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Tuesday, May 29, 2018

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Saturday, May 26, 2018

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Friday, May 25, 2018

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Tuesday, May 22, 2018


In recent series of survey, Consumer research firm confirmed that 91 percent of customers who redeemed a coupon with a retailer intended to revisit that brand again. Even more interesting, 62 percent of customers surveyed said that they would be likely to share localised deals with friends and 63 percent said that coupons add more value to their shopping experience than any other form of mobile marketing
Last few years, Coupons have proven themselves to be highly effective sales tools for every type of business. Providing coupons to customers can lead to several benefits for business.

Here are five fantastic benefits in which coupon helps you to boost your business

Attract more customers and generate additional traffic

Studies show that there is a vast improvement in effectiveness when you offer at least 20 percent off on any product, because people prefer buying things on sale, discounts serve as a ploy to attract more people to your store.

Minimise advertising costs for business

Your Company’s name, address, and other pertinent information should be featured prominently on the coupon. Doing so will have prospects perceive your company as one that offers deals, leading them to visit your website for other discounts.

Database of customers

You can use coupons at the customer acquisition stage to acquire customer data (phone number, email address, locations etc.) and build a database of customers who are interested in coupons, deals and discounts.

New customers for business

Coupon marketing is very effective at attracting new customers, who will certainly boost your sales. Once a new customer visits your website, you have an opportunity to turn them into a repeat visitor.

Move older products

Sometimes, certain products don’t work well: this could be for a number of reasons, ranging from price to product visibility. By offering mobile coupons, redeemable on such products, you will be re-introducing them to consumers.

What are the Benefits of Using Coupons?

You may have stumbled across a television show that features people saving hundreds of dollars on groceries by using coupons.  These “super couponers” have become the television heroes of grocery shopping, but how often do you really see such people in the stores with their shopping carts piled high and the cash registers ringing up savings after savings?
As someone who has gone shopping with many other people, I can say I have never seen a real super couponer in action.  But I have known some dedicated coupon users who brought a stack of coupons with them on every grocery shopping trip and they would rack up significant savings.  They just never paid $5 for $250 worth of goods.
Coupons were invented for two reasons: to get consumers to try new products and to help manufacturers offload aging inventory before it has to be destroyed.  In the grocery business health laws require that food packaging prominently display an expiration date.  Based on that expiration or alternative “sell by” date, grocers must decide whether to reduce the price of goods or destroy them.  It is common for grocery stores to set up clearance shelves and tables with drastically reduced prices in a last-ditch effort to move merchandise before it expires.
But because of the way food manufacturing and distribution works, long before the merchandise approaches that expiration date the food makers may decide to set up a promotion to clear some of their own inventory.  They do this as part of their marketing strategies and also as part of their complex inventory management procedures.  A food manufacturer typically plans on shipping a certain amount of product every month.  That product is sent by truck or train to distribution centers across the country.  The distribution centers take and fill orders from local grocers and restaurants.
Based on past sales manufacturers and distributors alike estimate how much product they will sell in the next month.  But they sometimes have to make room for new products, or products that change packaging.  There may be nothing wrong with the products already in the distribution centers but they are taking up space.  So to speed up the turnover process the manufacturers offer deals to the retail grocers and restaurants who buy 
Grocery stores in turn roll these deals into their weekly and monthly promotions.  They may agree to take on product sizes or individual products they don’t normally carry, and so they have to make room in their own shelves and aisles for the special deal products.  One way a grocery store does this is to sell off some of its existing product inventory via a quick sale, sometimes a “two-for-one” or a “four-for-two” promotion.  It’s not that these products are nearing expiration but that the grocers need the space to stock something else.
All of this planning begins weeks, sometimes months in advance of the sale and coupon periods that consumers take advantage of.  Large corporations like food manufacturers and grocery stores have to plan how they turn over inventory carefully because every now and then consumers stop buying some products, leaving too many items on store shelves.  These periodic changes in consumer spending habits are normal, although they may be more pronounced when consumers are hurting financially.  One of the first signs of recession is a change in shopping habits, where consumers buy fewer high-priced “brand name” items and instead buy more low-priced similar items, especially store brands.

As a consumer you can benefit from coupon offers in several ways

First, you can take advantage of new product offer coupons to try foods you have never seen before.  Experimentation is expensive if you pay full price for foods you decide you don’t like.  So if you are feeling adventurous then you should keep an eye out for new foods you would like to try for the first time and see if there are coupons for them.  You may have to visit the manufacturer Websites to find out if they have coupons and how to get them.
Second, if you notice that some of the foods you regularly buy are put on sale every quarter you can plan on buying extra quantities of those foods at the deep discount prices.  This is especially good for canned and boxed foods that have long shelf lives.  Some consumers are able to buy enough of these kinds of staple foods using coupons to never pay full price again.

Third, you can use special coupon offers to change your family’s meal plans.  By switching to lower-priced foods when they go on sale you can keep the family guessing about what’s for dinner while serving delicious foods that may be a treat for them.
Fourth, you can track your savings by recording the coupons you use and how much money was taken off the price at the store.  This is a very tedious process but in a few months you will be able to compare the prices you pay for foodstuffs without coupons to the prices you pay with coupons to see if you really are saving money.  Sometimes the coupons are available only after the prices of your favorite foods go up.  Sometimes the coupons are made available so rarely that you buy foods at higher prices simply because you like them and keep hoping to find coupon offers for them.

How does coupon (circulars) and promo codes make money?

4 Answers
Dan Holliday
I can only answer for the newspaper coupons.  The inserts that contain the coupons within the newspapers are sent to the newspaper companies.  I don't have absolute specifics.  But the process looks like this.

The newspaper does get a small kickback for the effort of transporting the coupons.  This is because the newspaper is printed at the local facility.  Then it is transported to the local distributor (who places the paper in your paperbox or on the lawn).  They must FIRST assemble the papers with local-specific inserts.

This is done by employing a team of people to do so.  My boyfriend did this for a few years.  Every Saturday night / Sunday Morning from Midnight to 2am, he stuffed the papers with local fliers.  He'd generally be paid $30 for the effort.  Not bad, but really lame work.

Now, where do the fliers come from?  The evil Canadians generally dominate this process.  And not just the evil Canadians, but the ones who speak a language OTHER than English.  Quebecor prints newspaper inserts and fliers for companies. 

From here I'm going to extrapolate and say that there are likely only a few companies that do this process.  The timing and costs and distribution are pre-negotiated to allow for economies of scale.  "Okay, Frothmart, it looks like JCPenny, Kohl's and Bed, Bath & Beyond all have their coupons sent to us by  a week from print date.  Your cost will be X.  We will print your coupons as an individual flier placed within the flier bundle.  Because you want to spend X amount of money, your coupons will appear in the middle of the flier.  If you'd like a more prominent position, we can move them forward at X cost to you."

Then the coupons are printed and shipped.  They arrive at the local distribution facility where young ladies and gentlemen are assembling the newspapers and stuffing them with the appropriate coupons. 

As to the "benefit" for the product company issuing the coupon, the benefit is simple:  consumer loyalty.   For a quick overview on the coupon process, see:  Dan Holliday's answer to Why do retail stores accept competitors' coupons?

Retailers and product sellers KNOW that brand loyalty, cross merchandising and frequency of return are king when it comes to selling products.  If you are a product seller, then you're hoping to create brand loyalty.  One of the sneaky things in retail is an ingrained knowledge of YOUR shopping patters better than you know yourself.  This is because producers like Procter & Gamble have teams of psychologists and marketers are burning the midnight oil studying what you like and why you like it.

They have discovered that [1] most shopping for home-goods, sundries and clothing is done by women (+/-80%) and [2] women are typically brand loyal and will stick with a product once they fall in love with it.  Therefore, a company like Tide (from P&G) desperately needs to get women who use Wisk (produced by competitor Sun Products) to fall in love with it and keep using it.

But that can't happen unless P&G makes it so impossible to refuse the purchase of Tide that the previously loyal lady temporarily makes the switch because of the impossible pricing.  "Hmmmm.  My Wisk is $16.95, but fuck me!  This Tide is only $13.95!  Oh.  Okay.  I'll give it a shot!"  And thus, that brutal tyranny of Wisk is broken and another lady is brought over to the ranks of Tide.  (Consequently I use "ALL free and clear").
Lately I've been pondering the effectiveness of promoting with coupons.
There are a couple of merchants that I have purchased from who send out coupon discount codes with clocklike regularity. I see the effect it has on me as a shopper, and I wonder if those coupons are really as productive as the merchants think?
The first time I bought something from Merchant X, I paid the price posted on the site and was happy to do so. But once I was on their mailing list, they started sending so many discount codes that I have effectively been trained to never, ever pay the posted price again.
I go to their site, add the items I want to my shopping cart, then I go away to wait, because I know that I'd be stupid to buy the items today. I know that if I wait a few days, another discount code will come along in my email that knocks 10%, 15%, sometimes 20% off the price I'd otherwise have been willing to pay.
From the merchant's end it would look like the coupon was an effective promotion, but was it really?
I'm just an occasional shopper, but there's a thriving subculture of "couponers" out there who practically make it their life's work to trade coupon codes and chase discounts.
What are the pros and cons of catering to the discount mindset? What makes the difference between offering an occasional special, versus training your customers to expect permanent discounts?
Sounds like the b&m store down the road from my office. They alternate between discounting individual items and discounting multibuys. Nobody in their right mind ever pays list price.
The effect on me when looking at similar b&m stores in the area is to think "I'll come back when they discount that".
And the traffic boost you can get from coupon sites like FatWallet can be substantial. I have had site traffic go up by 10x on one occasion from someone putting my coupon on the site. These dedicated coupon people will then post the coupon all over the net so that you get a lot of traffic and backlinks, If your total offer is good you will get a lot of sales too.
There are some other threads here about consumer behaviour with coupons 
and this was interesting (from otc_cmnn)... 
"So now the question is... when you make coupons such a blatantly obvious and integral part of your site, what % of users actually USE a coupon? Naturally it will be different for everyone, but for our common consumer goods $60 average order site - it is less than 35% of checkouts. " from this thread []
Coupons have especially become the "to do" thing when shopping online.
Several merchants themselves inform the customer of possible coupon deals by displaying "applying coupon" on check out pages. This leads the customer to search for coupons on Google etc and then come back to the merchant site to finish the purchase.
I think, merchants should only display coupon "boxes" when the visitor has actually landed from a coupon website or an affiliate.
On the other hand, offline coupons are a valuable tool for "offline "merchants as it actually increase the footfall and conversions in the stores.
I've been on both sides of this equation.
For a merchant, coupons are a double edged sword. You got new customers but they eat into your margins, big time. Coupons are not ideal for retailers but they may work if you measure repeat business.
Now for SEO/SEM, coupons are a niche just like geo-targeting is a niche. Coupons are a convenient anchor to go after, as is geo-targetting. And the success you get will be based on your implementation of the practice. Simply deciding to do it is a small fraction of the effort required to be successful at it.
(and yes, there's a seedy side of coupon marketing involving cookie stuffing that is so rampant anyone mentioning coupons may be put in that bucket.)

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