To Earn More Money Online
Fiverr is getting popular day by day and because of that freelancers and buyers from all over the world are joining fiverr. There is a lot of opportunity because of increased buyers but it also has a lot of competition for freelancers. Newly joined freelancers are offering their services with more hard work at less prices to earn quick bucks. Because of that fiverr has recently launched fiverr pro services to provide high quality services with increased pricing but it’s only helping highly experienced freelancers. The less experienced freelancers are earning very less money because of massive competition and moving to less competitive fiverr alternative or sites like fiverr.

I’ve written a complete list of fiverr alternative with detailed information about them. It’ll help you to choose a best and less competitive sites like fiverr.
Top 8 Sites Like Fiverr
1. SEO Clerks
SEO clerks is the best websites like fiverr. If you want to sell or buy only SEO Services, then it’s the best place for purchasing SEO services at lowest price. And you can buy or sell services starting from $1. They also have different platforms for different services like Pixel Clerks – For designing services, Word Clerks for content writing services, Code Clerks for coding services and Listing Dock to sell anything.
How SEOClerks works.
Freelancers: You’ve to create a listing for your service and bump your listing up with a free bump to get more visibility of your listing. Buyers will order your service, and you can start working. You’ll also get alerts of new jobs created by buyers in your category, and then you can bid on their job to get work. If you want more visibility of your gig, then I recommend featuring or highlighting your gig by buying premium listing services.
Buyers: Create a job listing and add all the requirements of your job. Your job listing will be sent as an alert to all the qualified sellers in that category. You’ll start receiving bids on your job listing in no time. Select the best one with lower price to get your job done.

2. Upwork
Upwork is best and reliable fiverr alternative. They have unique service fees for freelancers known as “lifetime billings per client relationship” which means if you do more business with a specific client then upwork service fees will be decreased from 20% to 10% and then 5% and you can earn more money from your repeated clients. Their algorithms will find and highlight best suitable projects for you. You can also search projects and accept an invitation from clients. If you complete your projects successfully, then you’re likely to get hired by other clients too.
Let’s see how Upwork Works:
Freelancers: After signing up you need to submit an application, and if they approve your application then you’ll start selling your services at upwork. To get hired by clients you need to click on Find Work tab to see projects posted by clients, and if you’ve all the required skills, then you have to submit a proposal with your bid amount. After submitting your proposals for the project, if a buyer likes your proposal then they will hire you.
Buyers: Click on Post A JOB tab to post your job and then enter all the required details of your project and tags, hourly rate or a fixed price and how much freelancers you want to hire. You can also search and invite freelancers in your job. After completing all the required details finally click on post a job. You’ll get proposals from freelancers who are qualified for the job, and after that, you can accept any proposal you like to get your job done.

3. Freelancer
Freelancer is another best fiverr alternative, but it’s also a little bit competitive sites like fiverr. You’ll receive competitive bids for the projects. Freelancer is not free you need to pay $4 to $59 or ₹59 to ₹4000 per month after completing 30 days trial period. You’ll get more features and benefits in higher packages. Freelance charges only 3% of their fees for a fixed price and hourly projects.
Let’s see how this website works.
Freelancer: You can search for projects in your category and place a bid to get work from the buyer. There is a limitation on how much bids you can place per month according to your membership plan. Because of this limitation in bid placing other qualified freelancers can also place their bid on projects to get work.
Buyer: Post a project and fill required details and qualification of the job. After creating a project, qualified freelancers will start to place bids on your project, and you can select the best one to complete your project. While posting a project, you can buy optional upgrades to find the best freelancer for your project.

4. 99 Designs
99 Designs is only focused on designs as shown in it’s name and it’s a best sites like fiverr in designing gigs. You can hire best designers at their platform. 99 Designs have unique functionality and features to get the best work done by freelancers at an affordable price.
Now, let’s see how to use it.
Freelancers: You can search for jobs and place your offers to get work, or you can participate in contests posted by buyers and submit your designs. If buyer likes your design then they’ll order it or hire you.
Buyers: Buyers can post jobs or search for experienced freelancers and hire them to get their work done. You can also post contests to get new design ideas from all freelancers and then hire a freelancer who meets your expectations.

5. People Per Hour
People per hour is an excellent fiverr alternnative. People per hour is the trusted community of freelancers and buyers with a safe and secure freelancing platform. Buyers need to pay a down payment to start a job and freelancers have to buy proposal credits to send more proposals. People Per Hour is less competitive in comparison to fiverr, and you can also purchase featured services to outstand in competition.
Let’s take a look at how it works.
Freelancers: Search for jobs and send proposals to buyers. You’ll get daily notifications about new jobs posted by buyers. You can submit only 15 proposals a month, but if you want to send more proposals, then you need to buy more proposal credits. Another best way to get work on this platform is to post hourlies of your services and buyers will buy your hourlies. If you want more visibility and sales at people per hour, then you need to purchase featured services for your profile and hourlies.
Buyers: Buyers can post a job to get qualified bids on their jobs and then select the best freelancer for their job. Get your work done at a fixed price with hourlies posted by freelancers. While posting a job, you need to pay a down payment to start the job, it’ll be released after completionof a job. You can also search and contact freelancers directly.

6. Evanto Studio
Evanto Studio is known for selling digital goods online, but it also provides a platform to hire freelancers and it’s highly trusted sites like fiverr . They have handpicked freelancers on their platform so you can get your job done by experienced and handpicked freelancers.
See how to use this website.
Freelancers: To become a freelancer at Evanto Studio you need to submit a form for providing services in your expertise from here. After getting approval, you can offer your services and search for jobs to submit your offers to get hired by buyers.
Buyers: Buyers need to find a talented freelancer and provide required job details to get reviewed by a freelancer, and at that time Evanto Studio takes a payment from you, and it is on hold till the job completion and until you’re happy with the provided work. You can submit some revisions to get satisfied outcome. When you’re happy and satisfied with the work, you can approve the job, and all the files will be delivered to you by a freelancer.
7. Guru
Guru is much like other freelancing sites and less competitive fiverr like sites. Guru has different types of agreement types to set up how and when you can make payments on your job, which allows you to pay for milestones, task, an hour or recurring payments.
Let’s take a look at how this website works.
Freelancers: You can get job invitations from buyers, or you can bid on matching jobs. You can choose a different type of agreement for payment timings. When you get your bid approved you can start working on the job. You ’ll get paid according to chosen agreements when buyer approves your work.
Buyers: Buyer can post a free project or hire freelancers directly by sending job activations. Once the project is posted on the platform, you’ll start receiving bids from freelancers. You can accept the bid you like and begin the work process. Your funds will be released to freelancers once you get satisfied with the work.

8. Toptal
Toptal focuses on quality, not quantity, and only 3 % of all applicants pass their screening test. They only selects highly experienced freelancers. So, there are very less professional freelancers working on this platform. Toptal is targeting clients who demand only best services.
The unique thing about Toptal is that they offer clients a two weeks free trial to try freelancers and if the client is satisfied then ordinary contract will start. If the client is not satisfied with the freelancer, then Toptal again repeat trial with more than five freelancers. Toptal only offers services in engineering and designing field.
Take a look at how to use Toptal.
Freelancers: After 2-3 days of submitting your application you’ll be notified to start the screening process. If you’re selected, then you can complete your profile by adding your skills, work experience, hourly rate, etc. You need to work with buyers in free trial to meet their expectations. If the buyer likes your work after trial, then a regular process of the contract will begin.
Buyer: Buyers can try freelancers for two weeks at no cost to get the best freelancer for their project. You need to pay $500 payment before trial and if the trial fails then the amount will be refunded to the buyer. You can search and find freelancers with required skills on their platform and hire the freelancer to start the trial process.

As you can see there are websites like fiverr with very less compitition and unique features. You earn even more money by working on these best freelancing fiverr alternative. You can offer your custom price with quality of work on these websites and build good reputation to get hired by more clients.